Thursday, December 16, 2010

Egg Delight......Anday Ka Halwa

Preparation time : 45 minutes 
Serves 6-8 persons
This egg delight recipe is one of the most popular sweet of South Asian cuisine and is generally known as Anday ka Halwa. It can be stored for months if dried completely and cut into pieces.  

1 ltr milk
6 eggs
250 gm sugar
Pinch of orange food color
250 gm clarified butter or ghee
Poppy seeds or Khashkhash 2 tbl spoons
2 green cardamoms (ground seeds only)
Crushed almonds and pistachio for garnishing

1.     In a blender blend eggs, milk, food color and sugar together until the liquid becomes foamy.
2.     Now pour the batter into a deep sauce pan along with cardamoms and cook on medium heat. Stir the mixture continuously so that lumps may not form.
3.     When the matter starts to dry, add ghee and stir constantly otherwise it may stick to the pan and burn. Now add poppy seeds and keeping stirring well until the matter dries completely and turns light brown in color. 
4.     At this stage you have two options; either you can stop cooking further, transfer the halwa in serving platter and garnish with nuts or cook the halwa for further 10-15 minutes until it dries almost completely. Now transfer the halwa into a greased platter and spread it to make a 1 inch thick layer. Cut into square pieces with a sharp knife and then leave on room temperature for some time. This dries form of halwa can also be served as a form of mithai. 

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